Who am i?
I'm Hasina. A loud, childish yet mature soul from the UK who likes writing reviews, random updates on my life and other things like outfit of the days, hauls etc. I like having my own view and opinion so i thought a blog would be the best thing for me to just write and ramble to the world. I do have a youtube but my camera has been dead for ages and hasn't been working so i'm still waiting for the camera shop to send me my voucher for a new camera. Sadtimes. At the moment i am studying my GCSE's at an all girls grammer school. Believe it or not we write reviews in english and it might be on the exam so i keep telling myself that this is good for my school work and improving my english skills! I am also a full time bollywood dancer on the side and it's difficult trying to juggle school work and dance because it literally takes up my whole saturday :( again sadtimes people. However, dance has always been a passion of mine so i put 110% into it and love every single performance, rehearsal and lesson! Other than that i'm just a girl with big city dreams. If you guys would like to know more about me then just feel free to email me through the contact page where you can find how to get in contact!